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"Enhanced Implementation of Emacs Interpreted Objects."

EIEIO is an Emacs lisp program which implements a controlled object-oriented programming methodology following the CLOS standard. EIEIO also has object browsing functions, and custom widget types. It has a fairly complete manual describing how to use it.

EIEIO also supports the byte compiler for Emacs and XEmacs. Because of the nature of byte compiling, EIEIO is picky about the version of Emacs you are running. It supports Emacs 19.2x+, 20, 21, 22, 23, XEmacs 19.1x, 20.x and 21.x. Byte compiling EIEIO is VERY IMPORTANT for performance.

Sample EIEIO driven tree
Sample EIEIO driven chart
This version has additional demo programs which are:
Maintain colored marks on lines in multiple buffers.
Visual C++ bookmark UI as example code.
Hilight Compilation hits as example code.
display trees in emacs buffers.
display a call tree to an emacs lisp function
display bar charts in emacs buffers. Includes several useful examples

Tools using EIEIO

Parser Generator. The Database which tracks tags between sessions uses EIEIO persistent data classes.
Emacs Development Environment uses EIEIO to track project information, and uses persistend data classes, instance inheritors, and instance trackers. It also uses speedbar classes to provide a project overview.
Semantic Recoder template manager uses EIEIO to handle template tables.
COnnected GRaph Editor uses EIEIO to track graph elements.
Java Development Environment for Emacs uses EIEIO to manage the debugger, dialogs, and more.
Emacs Code Browser. Browse your files and source code.
XML Authoring tool.
Java code generator.

Read the doc

The documentation for EIEIO is built automatically and made available via randomsample.

Check it out here

Join the mailing list

Join the mailing list to ask question, or help develop EIEIO.


EIEIO should work with Emacs 19.3x, 20.x, and 21.x. It should also work (and is usually included with) XEmacs 20.x, and 21.x.

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Copyright(C) 1997,98,99,2000,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11 Eric M. Ludlam
Verbatim copying and distribution is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.