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"Floating Everything Browser."

Speedbar is an Emacs Lisp program which allows you to create a special skinny frame with a specialized directory listing in it. This listing will have both directories and filtered files in it. You can then load files into your emacs frame, or expand the files to display all the tags that are in them and jump to those tags. You can also expand multiple directories into your speedbar frame.

Using Shift with the mouse is considered a "power click" which will ignore any cached data that might be related to the navigation desired. When loading a file, a power click will pull that file into a new frame.

For PC users with two button mice, a button1 double click acts as the mouse-2 click most emacs users are familiar with.

Additional keyboard commands are available for friendly file IO functions such as Rename/Copy/Delete, Loading lisp files, and compiling lisp files.

Different Modes for Speedbar

Speedbar is more than just file browsing, however. Speedbar is a generalized browser. Speedbar supports:

About the picture

Starting with Speedbar 0.11, images are now supported to represent files and tags. This screen shot was taken using Emacs 21, using Semantic for tag generation. Any version of XEmacs should generate a similar picture.

Speedbar works with Emacs 19.3x, 20.x without images, and 21.x with images on platforms for which image display is available. It also works with images for XEmacs 20.x, and 21.x.

Read the docs:

You can read the html documentation created from the texinfo file.

Speedbar Enabled tools:

Speedbar is a standard part of Emacs and XEmacs. The CEDET version and the version in Emacs diverge over time, and occasionally synchronize.

There are several speedbar enabled tools that you can download which may not come with your installed Emacs distribution.

If you know of others, let me know and I'll add a link.

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Copyright(C) 1997,98,99,2000,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11 Eric M. Ludlam
Verbatim copying and distribution is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.